Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is today launching a new vision for road safety. “Welcoming Roads” is an evolution of Vision Zero (VZ). It promotes safer roads for all road user groups including pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, horse riders and, of course, motorcyclists. Improvements in UK road casualty statistics have stalled. For many years, MAG has voiced significant concerns about elements of the VZ brand. We support aspects of the VZ approach but believe that the ideological goal of zero casualties falls short of the test of pragmatism. Our proposal seeks to preserve the successful aspects of VZ whilst shedding unhelpful ‘baggage’. We believe this could break the stagnation currently encountered by the VZ philosophy. MAG has created a manifesto detailing the vision, and is distributing it to road safety professionals and stakeholder groups to generate debate. We will welcome any offers to help refine and develop the proposal. MAG’s Director of Campa...