
Showing posts with the label buffalo grill


As usual the Shuttle was late leaving the UK end. Only 40 minutes so not long. Quiet if long no toll ride down. Made longer by blanket 80km speed limit outside towns. And innumerable roadworks and long detours or deviations as our French friends call them. Does that make us deviants!? Neill led us up what looked like a farm track and back again when Wailly Beaucamp had the high street dug up. The detour seemed about 10 miles to cover 1 mile of work. The wonders of France. PS, no bugger working though.  First stop in the Rouen ring at a McD for WiFi and lunch. Second stop for petrol. With the low speed limits Pepé managed 181.3 miles with loads to spare in the tank. Averaging over 46mpg. Neill's BMW 1600 was even  better. Just short of Alençon we stopped in "biker rest" stop organised by the local FFMC group. Free coffee etc but donations accepted.  And then to the hotel. We were later than anticipated but have room 6. Not very big but will do as we expect to be out in the...