During a meeting with MAG Northern Ireland on 2nd July 2020, the Northern Ireland Department for Infrastructure accepted that wire rope crash barriers, whilst effective for larger vehicles, pose a hazard to motorcyclists' safety. This is welcomed by the Motorcycle Action Group. Motorcycle Action Group UK’s Northern Ireland Representative, Martyn Boyd, and MAG UK Director, Ian Churchlow, recently had a positive meeting with NI's Dept. for Infrastructure (DfI) officials. The meeting was held specifically to discuss MAG’s concerns about the continued use of wire rope style crash barriers on the trunk road network across the province. The meeting with infrastructure procurement and roads engineering officials Stephen Bradshaw and Stephen Hughes was positive, enlightening for both sides and very helpfully facilitated by Kellie Armstrong, Chief Whip of the Alliance Party, and Rachael Woods of the Green Party of Northern Ireland and Chair of the All Party Group on Climate Cha...