Why am I doing this?
I have been asked this several times.
One reason is that I bought the bike in May 1984 and I want to get it running again.
Whilst it is a non-runner it is worth a bit in parts but not really that much.
As a runner with a newly rebuilt engine, especially, a new crank, it is worth way more.
As a 64yo rider I have maybe ten more years riding and less as a touring motorcyclist. So keeping one bike for less riding seems a good idea.
I currently have the Rocket III as my main bike. But with a contracting scope for riding, it would make sense to keep the classic bike and let the modern bike go.
To do that. I need the GT to be running. Reliable runner at that.
One where I can go out to the garage and pull the bike out, switch on, press the button and to go anywhere I want, when I want.
This is why this project got off the ground.
If the bike looks okay. Then that's a plus.