Vera Strom

Today I started Vera Strom for the first time since December. In fact early December.

As expected the battery didn't quite have enough puff in it to start the engine. Not quite enough the turn it over. The starter motor just clicking.

With the dbPower unit connected she wheezed over a few times. The fuel pump priming a little longer than usual.

The Suzuki is fitted with an interlock that means in neutral the clutch doesn't need engaging to start. Not today. Clutch in and it fires 🔥 up in the end.

The other expected problem was the FI code on the dash. This happens all the time when the bike isn't used for a while.

Three stop/starts and it clears itself. This time no exception.

I taxed Vera again from February 1st and so need to get out and about more than usual. 

I have become such a fair weather rider and we go away more often in the campervan.

Sunday it should be Meldrews' Sunday and so I need to start looking out my cold weather gear!!!  Today was 2°C (35.5°F) in the garage. 

My riding gear with the exception of my boots is all very old. None of it can be termed "all season" wear.  

I have some summer jackets but my main all year jacket is very old! The Frank Thomas jacket needs replacing. We'll see.


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