Motorhome Insurance!

What a fiasco.  I logged into the insurance company's app that simply takes the user to the internet and their usual website.  

One of the options is to amend your policy online, be that change of vehicle or address etc...   I chose vehicle.

Then entered the details over several screen about the (possible) update vehicle.  After about 15 minutes.... it can't quote for that vehicle and I need to call them.

As I had spent 45 minutes on with them at around 9.30am and was waiting for a call-back, this was the option the often repeated recorded kept telling me as it interrupted the awful "lift muzak" I was being forced to listen to on the line. 

If the guy at 10.15am had said that to quote they needed me to specify what tracker device was fitted then I could have saved another few hours of my life getting nowhere.

The Malibu campervan we are interested doesn't have a tracker.  It does have a Thatcham Category 1 alarm fitted and that comes with an immobiliser.

I found this out though when the call-back that never happened resulted in me calling them back at around 2.30pm. I navigated the queue and spoke to a nice young lady.  Went through all the details again, as it looks as though the morning guy hadn't entered much into my account record.  She went away, and that's when I found they can't quote as they need to know what tracker is fitted!

Whilst we were talking and she was putting me on hold to speak to her line management,  I was googling "the best UK motorhome trackers".

From what she said it doesn't have to actually be fitted at the time of the quote (!!!)  but it's a box that needs filling in to generate the quote.

Stupidly, I let her go to finish my research. Aaaarrgghhh.

The top selling and most recommended for a motorhome is the ScorpionTrack Motorhome S7. It's insurance company approved and is a subscription service.  The initial purchase price for the unit and its installation is £189.  The subscription works out at about £100 a year.

I called them back.  Navigating the options quickly as I remembered once it started to press 2. Into the queue.  It was before 5.30pm. They are open until 7pm.  Speak to a different woman.  went through who I am full name, date of birth, inside leg measurement, postal address etc.

Only to be told that there was no one to take the details of the ScorpionTrack Motorhome S7 but she will mark my account for the call-back.... She couldn't update the record with the ScorpionTrack Motorhome S7 so that when someone opened my account they could so the quote!

It's now 7.08pm. No call-back. 

Although I do now own a ScorpionTrack Motorhome S7 for a van I haven't yet insured and therefore can't drive home on the 12th November nor make it legal by paying for the UK vehicle excise duty (VED) or more commonly known as Road Tax.  

So it looks as though I will have to try again tomorrow.  I seriously doubt that I'll get a call-back and will have to start the entire thing from scratch!!!

Once this is over and done with, I can then get the installer to give me a date to come to the house and install the tracker onto the Malibu.



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