2 July 2024

Assen Trip 2024 - Day 3 and 4

Days at the races..

Not much to report. Out early both days to sit in the stand in the scorching sun.

Superb MotoGP races with support from Moto2 and Moto3. 

Moto3 probably the best races. 

Low light for me was locking my topbox and disc lock keys in the topbox and having to force my way in with Neill's help and his BMW screwdriver!

Plus, the fine spray of coolant from the right of the radiator misting the crash bar and my boot. Again. This seems to occur when the engine gets hot in traffic.

They manage it pretty well at Assen but it took at least 40 minutes to get out onto the A28.

A few more marshals to keep the traffic "free for all" down to more manageable levels would be good. 

I was a little way in front of Neill and Phil as they went up a different path to me. I tried to stop and let them catch up, but with four bikes side by side it was impossible to stop of let others get past. 

In the end I was onto the A28 to J31A ahead of them and I did try to go slow but had to keep up with traffic.  At J31 southbound the TomTom said to turn back onto the A28 north and leave onto the N33 at J32. Which I did. I thought as I crawled north that I saw them on the other side.  

I pulled onto the N33 heading east and then pulled into the first petrol station at Rolde to try and call Neill, but he didn't answer. I have my phone connected to my TomTom and so I can us it to dial my phone that's in my pocket. I managed to get through to Phil but the connection was terrible. I set off onto the N34 southwards. Phil called me and I said where I was but the connection was terrible again.

I had just pulled into the hotel parking and was moving to a space nearer the door when they came in. More screwdriver and we were ready for a shower and dinner.

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