Vera Dipped!!

Well. That worked well.

To get at the bulbs you have to remove the entire instrument binnacle. Who designed it that way?  

So I had a look at a couple of YouTubes and it looked fairly straightforward.  So I thought I'd have a go....


But. I decided to try the two allen bolts at either side at the bottom of the unit.  Neither would move. They wouldn't budge. Rather than round the heads off I gave up.

Ten minutes in the garage and we are no further along.  Main beam and sidelight work. Dipped beam dead.

A quick call to Cheriton Motorcycles and it's booked in on Friday.

I did manage to remove the TomTom powered head so that when I take it in they can get easier access.

Of course. So desperate to get it done I forgot the car was also in for service on Friday. So we'll need to juggle things around. 

Let's see what the professionals can do!


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