Tank badge bolts!

On my ride yesterday one of these came loose and when I touched the badge in the garage it made a leap to freedom!  

Of course.  No mater how much stuff I pulled out. Could I find the little bugger!  Of course not.  As they are rusty and it is necessary to ensure that the bike is better than when it came out of the factory in 1976, I have to source new ones. One pain of being excommunicated from the Sect. Having my GT750 badge ceremoniously removed.

So I located the part number on Robinson's Suzuki Parts list. They are still available.  Only £4.32 each. I managed to find a seller on eBay that had then at only (!) £3.19 each!

Wow. Do I feel better now knowing that every eye will check the bike over and see the new bolts!  :)


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