Lockdown 3 Projects Olympus IS-10 & OM10
Well, that lockdown fad didn't last all that long. The IS-10 was my father in laws and was used pretty unsuccessfully to take photos on my wedding day - October 7th 2000.
As it was inside the church the lighting was pretty poor and it was raining and dull outside. Still. It was all we had to hand as we couldn't really afford a professional!
So for my lockdown project I managed to find some film online. With the digital revolution film has become very expensive and processing has kept pace! I have a few places I can use.
Once lockdown three was over I fell back into the "why bother with the hassle" mode and reverted back to use using on eof the many digital cameras I have to hand.
Maybe it's time to finish off the film I have in the Olympus and then remove the batteries and consign it to the loft...
The OM10 lockdown project is pretty much the same as above. When you are used to the full auto exposure of the digital cameras, then the manual focussing and exposure control on the OM10 can defeat my old brain!