Saturday Ride to Rye

Today after the usual shopping trips etc it was sunny and warm so I thought I'd get out on Vera.

Togged up in my "winter gear" of FT Aqua jacket and ARMR Haro trousers. 

I set off on the A259. It's one road from by my house to Rye. 

Overtook a few cars. One bloke doing a max of 30mph, hazards flashing, no doubt coaxing a car home with a problem. But at the head of a 30 queue that couldn't pass on ordinary A road. No problems for Vera.

Then I had a detour to scope out Jo's Café for a possible future Meldrews breakfast ride out. Looked okay although the parking looked iffy for bikes. At the time there seemed to be no one near it, although I could smell bacon.

Then into Rye to park at the biker parking by the dock.

After a coffee I decided to ride back as the sun had been replaced with a thick grey cloud. The wind picked up too making it chilly.

I paired the LS2 Metro with my phone and hoped that Google Map directions would come into my ears. It didn't.

I headed back and was enjoying some bend swinging I forgot to turn off at Jo's! In the end I took the next left. Effectively riding three sides of a square. My goal?

St Thomas Becket Church at Fairfield. If you gave seen some TV productions of Charles Dickens novels you will have seen it as a back drop.

This is the little detour on the My Ride map below.

From there back to the A259 and home. My only other stop to pick up a cabbage from the greengrocer's van at the end of the road.

Another short day in the saddle. But very enjoyable.

What next?

All depends on the weather and bloody COVID!!



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