MAG - TfL Motorcycle Safety Roundtable gives cause for cautious optimism

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) attended a motorcycle safety roundtable meeting hosted by Transport for London (TFL) today (13th January 2022). Motorcycle fatalities in London have shown a dramatic and welcome drop in 2021.  The reasons for this drop are still unclear, but MAG will be working with TfL to ensure the good news continues.

Provisional figures for motorcycle fatalities in 2021 show a dramatic drop by as much as 60%.  The exact figures are still not finalised, but it is clear that 2021 has been the best year on record for motorcycle fatalities.  This record is despite - or perhaps due to continued increases in motorcycling in London.

The full explanation for the reduced figures will be hard to find as many factors could be partially responsible for the figures.  MAG is keen to continue with ongoing work to maintain and improve safety for riders in the capital.

The Roundtable event was hosted by TfL and attended by Greater London MAG reps, MAG’s political team, Assembly Member Keith Prince and other motorcycling groups.

MAG’s Spen McEvoy commented: “Greater London MAG thanks TFL for today’s Roundtable and their commitment to engage with MAG moving forward. We appreciate TFL providing a contact with TFL for reporting of problem junctions/streets. We also note a recognition that tackling the issue of motorcycle theft will directly affect road safety. I was also heartened to see acceptance of the suggestion that the cycle and motorcycle design guides be combined  into a single handbook to avoid conflicts between cycle and motorcycle safety.”

Keith Prince is both a MAG member and London Assembly Member sitting as Deputy Chair of the GLA Transport Committee. Keith commented: "I’m impressed with the dramatic fall in motorcycle deaths in London last year. The officers committed to working with the London riding community to further understand the reasons for this welcome improvement, plus engaging with the delivery rider sector on safety issues, and treating all two-wheeler users fairly and without discrimination. Overall, this meeting was results-orientated in a very tangible way.”

There will be further meetings scheduled to develop plans discussed in the meeting, and to coordinate a co-operative approach to making London’s roads safer for all road users.


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