At last! A ride out!
Okay. Not far. I had intended just a ride around after lunch.
Despite temperatures in single figures the sun was out and with it actually on you, it felt okay.
I togged up in my current "winter ensemble" of Oxford base layer, wool v-neck jumper, thicker jumper, FT Aqua jacket on upper body topped off with a Buff. Lowers taken care of with the ARMR trousers and TCX boots.
I was warm as I hauled Vera from the cold reaches of the garage. I decided to wear the LS2 Metro helmet and Spada gloves.
No sunglasses, as the sun would be over my right shoulder as long as it stayed out. If needed the helmet has a drop-down sun visor.
I set the Yamaha My Ride app on my phone and set off. I only got as far as Hythe before the ambulance flashing lights up ahead signalled delays on the road. I worked my way past stationary traffic and a loop to come back on the A259 coast road further east of the town centre.
I decided on Dover and then set off through Shornecliffe to Cheriton. More traffic. Then to the end of the M20 where it becomes the A20 again.
Despite horror stories recently on social media, the dual carriageway right into Dover to within half a mile of the port was free running. No queues of trucks tailing back an alleged 16 miles! In fact I overtook one truck before Dover and a second away from the lights when I went left by the new shopping centre.
I had decided I needed a comfort break and the National Trust Visitor Centre at the White Cliffs would suffice. So that's where I went.
With trousers that have a zipped and waterproof gusset and no fly to unzip, the comfort break is considerably more difficult requiring the ability to both perform the task and also to perform to a high level of contortionism. The visitor centre closed at 4pm. The loo some 15 minutes later. I arrived at 3.56pm. No time to replenish the fluid? There was. I got in a small queue and had a coffee - Americano with skinny milk.
I paid an extra 5p to have a disposable cup as I wasn't expecting to sit inside. I sat by Vera. Engaged is a chat with a lady who admitted to being a fair weather biker and the owner of a Suzuki Inazuma.
I drank up. Togged up. Set off.
The sun was starting to dip towards the distant horizon and by the time I arrived at sea level it had gone. Along with the wind picking up, the temperature started to drop.
The Spada gloves are okay but might be considered three season. Maybe not the best choice for January wear?
Rather than faff about I just got on the A20 then M20 and got home quickly. Only one blot the clown in the white Range Rover hogging the centre lane between J13 and J11A (Eurotunnel) waited until I was in the left lane to turn off at J11 before pulling across about three lengths in front of me. Be didn't exit. Twat.
So due to my own riding skills, twat awareness and bring awake (!) I got home safely.
Not a great deal of mileage today but a chance to get Vera out for a ride.