15 November 2021

Trips - Planning

Part of the enjoyment of a holiday/vacation trip is the planning stage.  Thinking of somewhere to go and then looking in books like the Rough Guide and on the internet, Tripadvisor for instance, for places to go whilst away and also where to stay.

Over the years I have tried quite a few online hotel booking sites and booking.com is the one I return to when I am looking for hotels.

But not not all trips happen.  Such as Hungary and Croatia in 2008. Planned and most of the bookings made, including the German "Autozug" to Villach in Austria. In the end it got cancelled due to illness.  

Another example is Norge15, a bike trip to Norway set for August 2015. I had a heart attack at Easter 2015 and that put the kibbosh on a bike trip that far away. Luckily I'd only booked hotels and they could be cancelled for free.

We were lucky that both trips got full refunds.

Another is a planned trip to Assen BSB in 2019. Planned but cancelled as my work schedule changed and Claire's hip.

But I do like to plan trips.  I have been working on one for quite a while to the Czech Centre Invader Rally in Vernířovice. It will be a bike trip and I have planned it as a solo ride over and back, so stops are places that I want to see. It includes visits to friends and ex-students from my time in Brno in the 90's.

Lately I have been thinking of making a trip to Spain to see a MotoGP. Over the years I have been to Assen for the Dutch TT maybe four or five times, to Le Mans a couple and the Czech MotoGP nearer five times.  The furthest was the 1986 Misano "San Marino GP".

But what would fit in with other trips with Claire and Reggie in the car? Being retired means we can go away outside school holidays at last.  Spain. The Aragón MotoGP at Motorland is due to be held on the 18th September.

So that's what I am working on now. A new blog especially for it?  Why not?  

My brother Neill has been before on his own and said he might go again. So that might mean sharing come costs on the way there. Look out for Aragón Blog.

So back to planning! 

And dreaming.

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