22 November 2021

TomTom Upgrade - Again

Yep, it's that time again.  I only knew there was a map upgrade as I connected the TomTom to the Dell to transfer a couple of routes I had been planning from MyRouteApp to the unit.

Once the 410 is connected by the USB cable to the laptop,. MyDrive Connect fires itself up and as usual, it knows who I am but never remembers my password.

Once entered it told me there were three upgrades. The local bodges, plus the entire Europe and US maps. As I am unlikely to travel to the US in the near future I didn't tick that box.

Off it went. The download stage took about a quarter of an hour and then it started installing.  Or so I thought. I left it to its own devices and popped back later to find the very familiar "checking" under the timer.

To know what maps need upgrading it has already connected to the 410.  So why at this stage does it always seem unable to find it again?

I usually have to unplug the USB cable from the laptop and it errors to say it has lost the connection! This is repeated a few times before installing begins.  Some three hours after starting the process it has finally completed and the unit shows upgrade complete.

What a palaver. It does it every time.  Why am I surprised that it doesn't just run smoothly without my intervention?

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