25 November 2021

Kilometerfresser October - Results!

After adding myself as "Kettleman" for Suzi Triplo and hardly doing any miles I got them to merge the accounts together into one as InvictaMoto! I hadn't noticed that some entrants have two or more bikes listed for the challenge.

The combined mileage (converted to kilometres) means I have accumulated 920! Only 920. As a result I have slipped down the table from 100th to 107th!

As Suzi has a miles odometer I convert that to kms and round to the nearest full km.  Vera is easier as I change the display to kilometre speedo and odometer.

I need to get out more and gets those kms rolling under the wheels.


It will soon be the end November mileage submission time and I have hardly been out.  Suzi not been out since October 9th.  The weather simply too wet and with the cold weather they will salt the roads.  Not idea for polished alloy casings!

What excuse for Vera's inactivity? None really. Apart from many of us have more that one life. Working 40 hours a week. Family. Dog etc etc.  Riding a motorcycle for fun is one of those "lives" that has to be fitted into all the others.

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