23 November 2021

Fuelly App

For a number of years I have been using the Fuelly app and its desktop version to track the mileage and miles-per-gallon I get from the vehicles I own.

It's easy to use and came about when I switched from an iPhone to Android and the app I was using on iOS wasn't available on the Android platform.

I currently keep a log on the three vehicles that we own as a couple, the Juke has replaced the Insignia, Vera Strom has replaced the Rocket III, and I added the Kettle "Suzi Triplo" just to see how much fuel I use!

It all helps when planning a trip. How? It gives me a pretty accurate idea of how far I can go on a tank of fuel. 

I am one of those guys that likes to have a full tank when I set off on a ride/trip.  Belt and braces I guess. My metaphorical pants aren't going to fall down!

When I am away on a longer trip this applies too.  I'd rather fill the tank, even if I have only done 50 miles on the current one before I leave the overnight stop. If that means tanking up before the hotel/B&B, then that's what I will do.

So for this trip that's my thinking. Fuel stops also mean giving the butt a rest, a change for a pee and a coffee/lunch!

Vera's current Fuelly dashboard.  It's a public post so anyone can view the stats.

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