Emovis Tag UK

I had a marketing email from Emovis today and it reminded me that I was going to contact them about a new mount for the tag.

The original one is still stuck in the Insignia, probably.

Logging onto my account I was told the battery on my one was almost expired. Apparently they aren't replaceable.

So I completed the form to return it and recover my €20 deposit and the same time order a new one. Incurring a €20 deposit....  I hope the new one comes with a clip otherwise I'll have to login again!

I had a padded envelope for it already to re-use and had to buy a large letter stamp online and print the label. Much easier than going to the Post Office.

This Emovis tag is only usable in France. The chances of getting there any day soon is remote. 

Emovis Tags are also available for Spain and Portugal from the same website.  I very much doubt I'll be riding or driving there any time soon, if ever, given Covid.


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