The Motorcycle Action Group demands immediate three-point Government action.
The Motorcycle Action Group are demanding immediate action by Government to include motorcycles in the COVID lockdown exit plan. Amid press reports of rocketing demand for motorcycles and scooters, MAG is demanding that Government support this common-sense approach to commuting challenges. MAG claims that three demands will cost not one penny of additional spending to implement yet will have a significant impact.
The demands are as follows:
- Specifically recognise and encourage the role of motorcycles and scooters as a socially distanced, congestion busting and sustainable transport mode for post-COVID transport in all Government transport messaging.
- Mandate all local authorities to immediately allow motorcycle and scooter access in all combined bus and cycle routes.
- Mandate all local authorities to immediately provide emergency secure two-wheeler parking facilities that can be used by both motorcyclists and cyclists.
MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, said, “The time has come to forget about asking politely, and start demanding. None of these proposed measures will cost Government a penny more than they have already committed to spending, yet could provide a meaningful level of support for those who recognise the benefits of commuting by motorcycle. I would defy any Government Minister to come up with a logical reason not to support these proposals to spend public money more wisely. The time for procrastination is over. We have an economy to rebuild and a transport solution whose time has come.”
MAG’s Chair, Selina Lavender, said “We have waited for engagement and polite debate for far too long. These three simple proposals must be acted on now.”
Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or