Not Ride to Work Day
June 15th. International Ride to Work Day.
Great if you are working.
Great if you have a motorcycle.
Not so great if due to the Covid-19 pandemic you are working from home and own a motorcycle.
That's me folks.
I worked on the computer from 0755 until I logged off at 1607. I guessed I had done my bit.
I togged up. Pulled Pepé from slumber in the garage and set off.
Where to go?
I decided on somewhere to bang off a photo that I had been out on this International Day. So I went to Dungeness.
The roads were quite busy. The UK is still not totally out of Lockdown.
The parking at Dymchurch by the beach was maybe 40% full. It's June. Still kids aren't at school. So parents obviously consider the combination of sun and no school to mean it's holiday time.
Dungeness was pretty empty. The ride to the Light Railway station and Old Lighthouse had quite a few cars and tourists were photographing Derek Jarman's cottage and garden.
I've done that before so took my photo of Pepé with the Old Lighthouse.
Then a slow ride home.
End mileage today 9698.