MAG praises Oxfordshire County Council
The Motorcycle Action Group praises Oxfordshire County Council for revising motorcycle proposals following feedback from MAG
In a major motorcycling breakthrough, MAG has welcomed a rethink by Oxfordshire County Council following significant input from MAG and local bikers about blatant anti-motorcycle bias regarding their Local Transport and Connectivity Plan.
MAG challenged sweeping statements in the Council’s document that were not backed by evidence. These showed a biased and discriminatory attitude against motorcyclists. Top of the list of claims that MAG objected to was the stunning statement that motorcyclists are ‘a danger to themselves.’
Communicating directly with the Council, MAG secured a promise that the Council would supply the evidential basis for the document and ensure that the document reflected the references “appropriately.” Yesterday, MAG received confirmation that the review had been completed and the
document amended.
MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, said: “MAG gives credit where credit is due. Oxfordshire County Council has accepted comments we made, plus those of many others who responded to the survey. The amended document - published today - no longer contains references to motorcyclists posing a danger to themselves; nor does it contain the incredible statement that motorbikes make a disproportionate contribution to noise pollution.
We still disagree with elements of the document. However, the Council’s rethink, based on our feedback, means we can have a productive conversation to create an informed and balanced policy.
Motorcycles are legitimate and legal - and for many a vital mode of transport. The Transport Policy must cater for this transport mode in a reasonable way. The amendments have averted large, spontaneous demonstrations by bikers against the Council and Councillors identified with the original document.
We welcome the opportunity to work closely with the Council to develop a good policy position. This has always been our sole motivation and we will continue to do all we can to ensure motorcyclists are fairly treated.”
The revised topic paper is now available on line at
MAG thanks all who have already responded to the online survey. Colin stresses that the need remains for all local motorcyclists to have their say and provide sensible and productive suggestions.
The specific questions the survey asks are:
• How should the approach to motorbikes and motorbike riders in the new Local Transport and Connectivity Plan be reviewed?
• How could any approach affect active and healthy travel opportunities?
• Could there be better and clearer parking, as distinct from cycle parking and car parking?
• Could road safety campaigns on motorcycles be extended? What angle/s should this cover?
The survey remains open until 17th May 2020.
Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or