Coming Home 1993
Late July 1993. Time to leave Zastávka and head for home.
Tony and Heather were back with the kids. The plan to ride across to southern Germany for an overnight. I would continue north and they would split off and head south.
We headed west on the dálnice past Prague and into Germany.
The overnight stop was in a youth hostel in a castle in Bavaria near Ellwangen.
In those days in Bavaria anyone over 26yo couldn't stay in a YH unless they were part of a family group. We qualified and they had a family room and I got stuck in a dorm with three cyclists.
After breakfast I rode all the way home tugging the trailer.
In case of fuel problems I had two cans bungied to the rack on the trailer. In the end I didn't need to use either.
This was the last long journey on the Kettle for a few years.
I started at University in Luton in late September. To earn a few quid I signed up with a local courier company.
After a horrific ride to Devon to deliver a letter I moved onto the vans in my non Uni days and weekends.
The GT dropped to being No2 when I bought a 1990 XJ900F. Much better for occasional courier work when a bike was needed.
Moving on.
* Raining and wearing Rukka unlined waterproofs.. Yes. I still have that jacket.