Fuelly App
I have been using this app for a while for the car and the bike just to track the expenditure and miles per gallon I am getting from the Insignia and the Rocket.
I don't obsess about it. If I did I wouldn't own a Rocket III! It works pretty well with minimal setup and as a US appl it needs telling about e vagaries of the UK. Even though we aren't a metric country, petrol/diesel fuels are sold in litres but we still have feet/yards/miles as the measures of distance. We also have the Imperial gallon based on 8 pints. An Imperial pint is 20 fluid ounces as that is what a pint of water weighs. In the US they have made the pint 16fl oz as that is a pound in weight.
The app takes care of all that!

I wonder how slow I have to go on the Rocket to get that average up to mid-40's!!!