Amazon Fire 7
With my Kindle playing up and it seemingly not going to be easily repairable I saw on Amazon's Black Friday page that they had a Fire 7 tablet 8gb for £24.95 and 16gb for only £29.95.
So I bought it. Then I fixed the Kindle. The Fire went away for a Christmas present.
So here we are. The Fire 7 is expandable with a Micro SD slot. I switched the 64gb card from my Canon DSLR and formatted it.
What's it like to use? It is quite heavy but strangely more comfortable in hand than the Google Nexus 7. The apps pre-loaded are all Amazon related. I bought it primarily to replace the Kindle and maybe add Amazon Music. That would give me one bit of tech to cover two uses.
The Kindle bit works perfectly well. The "Silk" browser works okay and so does the email app.
The music app won't sync with my account. 😈
You would think if the Kindle app works, music ought to as well. The shopping app works with the correct account and shows all my orders.
I found the customer service email address and logged a call. At the time of writing I am waiting for a reply.
More to follow.