William Devall KIA 16/7/1916
With the centenary of the end of WW1 coming very soon. I thought I'd post this little snippet from the KSLI Regimental Museum in Shrewsbury.
It's filled in a few details of what little we know about William.
"William died 99 years ago. He landed in France with the 2nd Battalion on 21-12-14, at some point moved to the 1st Batt., wounded with the 1st Batt. about 6th or 7th Jan 1916 while in trenches in La Brique left sector. I do not know when he joined the 7th Batt."
As far as I know La Brique is on the Ypres Salient. I'll have to check the maps and the KSLI Regimental history book.
P.S. It's 102 years now.
Update 29/10/2018
This is from the KSLI website. The 2nd Battalion arrival date at le Havre tallies with the above note from the museum's curator.
As for being wounded whilst serving with the 1st Battalion I surmise that he must have transferred in from the 2nd as they went to Salonika in Greece in December 1915.
As for La Brique. I can find two CWGC cemeteries and these are on the Pilkem Road to the north east of Ypres city centre. La Brique was a hamlet named after a brick works that was there before the war.
The history does show them in that area with attacks on Hooge and then along the Ypres-Langemarck road.
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