MAG News - Motorcycles Matter!
Join our Awareness Ride in London on Saturday 21st April 2018
All motorcycle, scooter and moped riders are invited to come to London on 21st April to make the point that "Motorcycles Matter".
Motorcycles play an important role in our congested cities.
The problem is that the people running things don't get it. Transport for London (TfL) and the Mayor of London refuse to acknowledge this.
It's not just London: there are another 28 authorities around the country looking into Clean Air Zones (CAZ) and charging vehicles for entering them.
In London, it will cost £12.50 a day to pass the North and South Circular into central London.
Your Local Authority should be doing more to make it safe to park your bike by supplying more motorcycle parking bays with security. Manufacturers should be doing more to build in better security. Insurance companies should not be punishing the owners.
The government should be doing more to support the Police in their fight against theft and increasing the penalties so that owners are not financially punished due to increased premiums.
We are not a 'cash cow' to bolster failing finances due to government cutbacks.
So it's time for motorcyclists to hit the road for a "Motorcycles Matter" awareness ride!
Keep an eye on social media for updates on this event.
Get passionate! Get involved!