Rainsford Road Motorcycle Ban
MAG is currently in dialogue at a senior level with Brent Council. At a
very positive meeting, MAG's transport policy advisor Dr. Leon Mannings
learned of the very real problems Brent Council and the police have had
to deal with to ensure the safety of all road users.
Whilst MAG strongly condemns the unacceptable behaviour of the few irresponsible motorcyclists that has led to this situation, we reiterate
our stance, that persecuting law abiding road users is not acceptable.
We have secured assurance that the ban is temporary and has only been enacted because of very extreme circumstances. MAG continues to pursue avenues to a more acceptable solution.
John Mitchell, MAG's National Chairman said: "MAG understands the
situation faced by Brent Council and we hope they can get this matter
resolved as soon as possible".
For more information contact MAG President Ian Mutch: 07799 764161
MAG membership £25 per year.
It is sad when a chosen few ruin it for everyone.
But, the council gets involved instead.