Secure Parking in Islington

One of the irritations in this area has always been the crap provision of secure motorcycle parking around the country, and especially in Folkestone and Hythe where I live.

Until Sainsbury's opened their new store,  provision in Hythe amounts to two small crappy spaces in Aldi car-park, one small space in the Waitrose car-park where you have to clear the trolleys out of the way. Where else?

Shepway was grasping for cash a year or so ago and so the bike space in the car-park by the Imperial at the end of Marine Parade was replaced with the pay and display machine. Mind you, it always had some muppet in a car parked in it.

I have had a few confrontations with errant motorists when sarcastically (not in the John Terry meaning of sarcasm) asking what make their four wheeled motorcycle was as mine only had two wheels.

The picture is of one of the many secure parking places in Islington where I work. This one is a ten bike space with five upside down U-shaped metal bars to lock the bikes to.

I don't expect to go from the crap we have around here to that level in one hit but a few marked spaces would be a start.

Maybe a local campaign for our new MAG group?


Trobairitz said…
It is unfortunate you don't have more dedicated motorcycle parking where you live.

I guess we are lucky that downtown Corvallis they paint a triangle at the end of every block after the last car space and make it motorcycle parking only. Nothing to lock the bikes to though.

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