Paralympic Games

After last week's brush with the Torch and holding the 1948 Torch I was a bit more enthused. Then the opening ceremony and the theatrics showed that in GB we can match the world.

I'd like to have a look around the Olympic Park but on the website all the £10 admission tickets are either not on sale yet or are sold out.

I shifted my search to the Paralympics. The only tickets for the 1st or 2nd September are for the 7-aside football. At £15 they are a snip.

So I bought two. A chance to see the Paralympians do their stuff and a trip around the park itself.

I can put this on the back burner now until after we get back from France.


Trobairitz said…
Good idea picking up tickets for the paralympics event.

have fun in France.

Oh and I like the new header pic.

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