America - Triumph Motorcycles

During the damp sojourn to Laguna Motorcycles this afternoon I was rather taken by the Triumph Cruisers.
I am quite new to the genre. Three test rides on Harley Davidson's in about 20 years doesn't make me anywhere like interested or expert.
Back in about 1996 or 97  I had a Suzuki Marauder VZ800 on loan from Suzuki GB, for a fortnight. Although I got to appreciate how it worked it "wasn't for me" at that time.

At that time, I commuted 90 miles a day round trip everyday of the year (bar snow/ice) and took holidays all over Europe and wanted more mile munching ability and luggage carrying capacity.
But in the intervening 14 or more years things have changed:
  • My daily commute is more like 155 miles a day.
  • I use the train more.
  • I do fewer vacation miles
  • Ride for pleasure less often.
So looking at the America in Laguna opened my eyes a little. Sure, the 1600cc Thunderbird is bigger and classier looking, and the 2300cc Rocket-3 more of a dreadnought, but both are way out of my league cost-wise.
You can get an HD 883 Piglet for similar money. But maybe as I get older I start to think patriotic. Buy British?


Trobairitz said…
Troubadour (hubby) had a 2007 Triumph America and loved it. Although he would have liked fuel injection he swore it would ride rings around Harleys.

In fact he saw his bike at the Triumph dealer today, the guy he sold it to has it on consignment there. he was sorely tempted to bring it home again.

His tailbone doesn't like the semi-reclined position of a cruiser though.

And our friend SpartanBabe just bought one a few months ago and loves it too.
InvictaMoto said…
My brother is about to set off on a tour of the five countries that make up the British Isles and Ireland, one of the guys he did Route 66 with has an America.

I guess it depends on how much my GS is worth and whether I really want to change!

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