New Sunglasses - Oakley Juliet Ducati
Blimey this was a bit of a long drawn out experience. For a while I have wanted a decent pair of sunglasses but as I am a spectacle wearer I've not had any other than a cheap pair for holidays and those few days I sit on the beach!
So before we go to Italy, where I hope it will be very sunny, I thought I'd get a pair of Oakley's. I've ended up with these! A bit over the top I thought when I tried them on, but grew to like the idea. As they are fitted with prescription lenses I am able to claim some of the cost back from my HSA insurance. Luckily.
Even they cost a fortune they don't come with a case. Maybe normal punters would get away with the microfiber string tied bag. Not a lot of use for a biker, even if they are secured in my mini tank bag. So I've been searching the net for a decent deal on a case for them. They are too bloody expensive to leave it to chance!!
Due to various setbacks, it has taken nearly seven weeks for them to arrive. I picked them up last Saturday and walked around town with them, even like a prat I wore them indoors as well! Then I came to ride the bike home from Hythe and the buggers won't fit with my helmet. Or any helmet. The arms are curved and can't open wide enough to get in the visor hole. B*llocks!
Update 9th October 2018
Looking back over older posts I can see that some pictures have disappeared. I have no idea but guess that the links have expired/ Getzgirl is Claire or Mrs D. Why her pix have disappeared I have no ide either.
I never was a fan until I ownde a pair and now I swear by them rain, fog, or shine.