Wipers for the Day Planning has started for a day trip on Easter Sunday to Belgium to take in a few WW1 Ypres Salient sites and then the "Last Post" ceremony at the Menin Gate before returning home. The run is open to SOC and IMTC members. Currently, the plan is to cross on an early Shuttle, 0920, and return on one about 2220 at night. The "Last Post" takes place at 2000 local time and we need to be able to get back to the bikes and then ride to the Shuttle terminal, so 2220 seems about right. Of course, lunch will be factored in. Depending on what everyone wants to do, I can plan a short trip around some sights after lunch arriving back in Ypres in time for tea and then a walk to the Gate for 8pm. More info on the ceremony etc from: http://www.greatwar.co.uk/westfront/ypsalient/meningate/lastpost.htm See update to this page.