30 May 2024

Awaycation Summer 2024 - Day 3 Part One

Day 3 started off very early. The MV Galicia was due to dock at 0700 UK time or 0800 CET.

The first gentle alarm over the tannoy went off at 0545. I had set my phone to alarm at 0615. As we were mostly packed up it would be enough time.

We had been told that passengers without pets would be called first and then once the lifts and stairs were free, pet owners.

I guess that Claire could have gone down earlier and I could follow, when called, with Reggie. In the end we stayed together.

How was the crossing? To be honest it wasn't that bad. It was easy to fill the day with reading and a wander around. 

What would be nice and an added bonus would be if the small lounge opposite the information desk was dog friendly. It overlooks the dog walk area. Another positive would be if the pet walking area was smoked and smoker free. Not all of us like to be in an area inhaling cigarette smoke.

Once we were called we headed down to the car deck. Reggie had his muzzle on again. He hates wearing it but it's not for very long.

Then the waiting began. As we were right up against the starboard hull we were the last column to disembark. Once off the boat we joined another huge queue on the harbour side.

After more then an hour we finally moved off. The Spanish had four passport windows open. Gradually we crept forward. Passports checked and no interest in Reggie. We were off .....

Not quite. "Mascotas" have their own passport check on the way to the exit. We queued a little longer. We saw that they were randomly searching vehicles just after the pet stop. Fingers crossed as we had a single tin of dog food we hadn't used!!! 😁😁😁

That formality completed and no searching and we were off.

I had set Ohrex for the Tiende Animal store a few miles away.  It was 0946 when we arrived. It didn't open until 1000. 

So as we were in a commercial area we went into Lidl. Not noticing the huge Carrefour across the road. We got a few bits and pieces and some beer, but also a 1kg pack of beef mince for burgers. That would do for Reggie's meals. We also bought carrot to grate into it, plus he has the salmon and veggie kibble.

I then set Ohrex for the campsite.

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