Out with Molly - Another trip!
One of Claire's cousins is having a 60th birthday party later in the year at a hotel in Meriden in the Midlands.
The overnight cost would be a special rate of £80 a night B&B. Tempting. On booking dot com their cheapest room is £115.
But as we have Reggie to consider, going in the car doesn't make sense, so we will go in Molly. The hotel doesn't look dog friendly.
There's a campsite not far from the hotel. It's 3 minutes driving and 27 walking according to Google Maps.
I have booked us in there for 2 nights at £33 a night at Somers Wood Caravan Park. Obviously we'll have to cook our own breakfast both mornings.... So far just £20 deposit paid.
I emailed to see whether we can park for the party and not had a reply. Claire called and got through. We can park but not stay overnight. That's okay with us.
The party doesn't start until 7.30pm and so we have to get there reasonably on-time to park. Reggie can stay in Molly and I can pop out every so often to check on him.