Mirror Guard Protectors

Rather than spend less on the Milenco mirror protectors that we had before, and that proved useless when the left one took a bang, we have opted for Mirrorguard.

Since fitting the new short arm mirrors we decided to save the cost of new ones, should we have a bang, and we would get the more expensive covers.

These look much better quality than the Milenco ones. Inside they are lined with foam, "like a motorcycle helmet". 

I certainly wouldn't wear one made and lined with this stuff when on the bike!

Fitting looks straightforward and unlike the Milenco there's no little plastic bar screwed on to hold them in place. Instead there's sticky tape...

I have to admit that this looks a little worrying to me!

These also have a thick edge trim. They do look way more substantial than the Milenco covers. Time will tell.

We opted for white as well that matches the body colour better than black.

For the same price I could have bought silver/chrome.


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