Molly's New Mirrors
After the little contretemps with something hard that broke the left (passenger) side mirror last month, we have finally got it fixed.
Instead of simply buying the very expensive Peugeot OEM original, I was recommended a pair of pattern parts from Amazon.
These are also called short-arm mirrors as the arm that connects the mirror head to the door frame is about 3 to 4 inches shorter.
They actually work well and on the drive home from JC in Rye I had no problems at all.
They are a matched pair. The only question mark was relocating the DAB antenna 📡 from the damaged left mirror to the new one.
The radio worked okay on the drive home so that seems successful too.
It wasn't a cheap job. Avoiding a head on collision 💥 with a truck cutting a bend has cost me money. And a lot of it!
Time will tell if being 6 to 8 inches narrower will be an improvement when it comes to narrow roads combined with unruly and uncut hedges and of course, truck 🚛 driving assholes cutting corners and bends.
They look nice and of course, are unscratched on the ends! Then again they have only done about 24 miles since fitting!
The next thing, once my bank balance has recovered, is to check out some covers to save them getting broken!