Dometic Windbreak Support Poles!

Last year just before we went away to France in June, Claire ordered a windbreak from Amazon. 

It wasn't that expensive and when the package arrived there were two in the box. We were sure the order was for one. When contacted Amazon just said keep it the duplicate.  I guess it was more than they wanted to pay to have it returned.

So we have two. One has never been used and we have tried using one a few times! Perhaps I should see if I can sell it on eBay?

As you can see from the photo, the first time we used it it went up really well.  The guy ropes held the poles up nice and tight. That was the only time it worked!  In anything but grass and/or firm ground the pegs don't stay in the ground, letting it sag. As a result we gave up on it.

So imagine my interest that peaked when I saw a Dometic Air windbreak that had metal poles and instead of tie downs made of string/rope, metal support poles! 

I almost dribbled like Homer Simpson looking at a Krusty Burger.... BTW. Who would buy a burger from a clown! Madness eh?

I forgot all about it and then when we were away at Mersea Island and I took Reggie for his pee break I saw another one with the same adjustable metal supports instead of the ropes. It looked more sturdy.

So I had a look on the internet and couldn't see anyone selling them separately to the Dometic Air windbreaks. There was one seller on Amazon though, selling them at £45 a pair plus delivery.... Not Prime! So I let it slide again.

Then this week I tried another search, this time copying and pasting the description from Dometic's website and the internet revealed lots of sellers at a variety of prices.  Type in the right search and get the answers you want!

After some research into all the sellers prices and delivery options I have ordered two sets at £27.50 each. A set contains two support poles.  

As we only have three panels and four upright poles this should suffice.  I already have a new set of hard ground pegs that should cope with holding them in place.  And of course, I have the 24oz mallet,  I named "Knee Capper" on the last few Staycations, to bang them in!

All we need now is a motorhome to go away in!


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