Optima Motorhome Thermal Cab Cover

The cover arrived in the week. As the weather had turned bad, high winds and torrential rain, for a few days it was only today that it was calm, and dry.

We unpacked it from the bag. It's not that heavy but is bulky. Finding a space under one of the seats meant leaving the sun chairs behind. The remaining space is taken up with the levelling chocks.

It went on easy enough and fits okay. Not quite as snug as the photo on the website. Maybe we need to tinker more?

We'll see how difficult it is to remove and pack down next weekend on the eve of our departure. I did take some photos as we unpacked it to do in reverse to get it in the bag!!

The rest of the day was spent vacuuming and generally cleaning the inside of the van.

In the week we'll start to pack stuff and move it across to the van ready for the departure.


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