Oldham Athletic @ Southend United - At least the ride was okay

The day started with a run into Hythe in the car to get some low dose aspirin and then home to get the bike out. 

For some reason the TomTom 410 where I had the route installed was dead as a door nail. Not enough time to charge it.

I've not used it since I came back from Czech where it was going wrong all the time.  So no chance of checking if the reset has fixed it.

I am also beta testing a motorcycle version of the TomTom app. I linked the phone to my helmet and set the route. It worked. By the time I had got to the end of my road it had gone silent.

The route there and back was pretty much the same. In fact the Yamaha My Ride screenshots show they are almost the same distance. In fact .1 of a mile difference. 

The ride was all in decent weather. The only hassle is of course the three mile plus queue to get through the tunnels going north at Dartford. Having to squeeze through the lines of traffic needs a lot of concentration.

So another 166.9 miles to go towards the Kilometerfresser competition.

The football? Southend were the better team. They deserved to have won. That it was 1-0 was a miracle. Onto the next game I suppose. 


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