Vera out Minnising!
I fitted the buttpad and decided to have a short ride to test it.
I thought I'd see if the fuel station along Seven Mile was still cheapest. Gulp! Not any more. I went past and then came back towards the coast via Stelling Minnis and Rhodes Minnis.
I decided to head into Folkestone and get some seafood from Bob's for lunch.
I was surprised to see that Alford Brothers bike shop was closed early on a Friday afternoon.
I parked up by the harbour and went through to Bob's. One pot of whelks, fresh from the sea on their own boat, and some seafood selection, a mixture of shell fish and prawns.
On the way back I followed coast to Hythe and then home.
Another 30 miles or so. I also tested the upgrade to the Yamaha My Ride app. It worked.
Sunday is Meldrews' and hopefully we'll get out. The weather looks good as we are currently experiencing high pressure. Everything is covered in sand that comes down onto cars and gardens. The sand from Morocco caused by storms in North Africa.
The other mapping app Detecht works but a different layout.