MAG celebrates Oxfordshire's new progressive policy for motorcycling
The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is delighted to see a progressive policy for motorcycling in Oxfordshire’s new draft transport plans. The transport plan's proposals arise from effective MAG campaign work. The Council proposes a transport user hierarchy that places motorcycles above other motorised modes. The draft was signed off in a cabinet meeting on 19th October. The plan will now go out for consultation in November.
Campaigners view the draft Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP5) as a significant change in tone by the Council. In November 2019, MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, supported local councillor John Broad in a meeting with County and City Council Cabinet members. They made the case for motorcycling as a sustainable transport mode.
The campaign attracted publicity when Council papers were published in early 2020 suggesting that “motorcyclists are a danger to themselves”. This sparked a backlash from riders, and marked a low point in relations. Since then, however, Cllr Broad and MAG have continued to engage with the Council. Putting forward reasoned arguments has resulted in a great outcome for motorcyclists.
After his initial scan of the draft LTCP5, Cllr John Broad wrote to Colin saying: “From what I have seen so far, I would say that our representations - and likely those of fellow motorcyclists - sent in response to those earlier appalling documents, have had quite an influence on this latest draft.”
Colin comments: “John is too humble in his assessment of the impact he has made. This is a shining example of how calm and consistent lobbying wins. To have reached the point where the plan accepts the benefits of motorcycling is an enormous achievement. Placing motorcycles above other forms of private motorised transport is truly progressive for any transport plan. The campaign is far from over, however. First, the draft plan needs to pass through the consultation stage and be adopted. The hard work then really starts. Next we must ensure that the plan actually delivers results. Changes in the real world are what riders seek. We will do all we can to ensure that the plan is more than just warm words.”