Hommiesafe Air Motorcycle Seat Cushion
I bought one of these some years ago. It has been in the box ever since. I bought it because the seat on the Rocket was good for about 150 miles and after that it was sheer hell. The riding position doesn't allow to much manoeuvre room either.
Maybe it is because I am an overweight fat arse?
I read a few reviews and never got around to fitting it, as I wasn't really going anywhere due to the Covid pandemic and the lockdowns that restricted travel, even motorcycle travel.
Being the sort of rider that wants to go somewhere rather than idly riding for the sake of it, my annual mileage shrunk even further.
Since the Rocket went to a new owner in the summer and I bought Vera Strom the DL1000 V-Strom, I think I need to revisit this!
One of the Amazon reviews is from a guy that posts on the V-Strom forum and it was him on that site that got me thinking "where did I put it?"!!! Found. Maybe I need a better filing system than on a chair in the dining room against the wall so no one can sit on it?
On the subject of Amazon reviews it has 280 of them and comes out as 4.5✷ out of a possible 5.
So dug out it is. Next to fit it and see about pumping a little air in it. The V-Strom seat is a little uncomfortable. This seems to be due to it leaning forward a bit. I already tried a mesh seat cover and that was useless.