20 August 2021

Staycation 2021 - Norfolk Day 8

Homeward bound
I wish I was
Homeward bound
Home where my thought's escapin'
Home where my music's playin'
Home where my love lies waitin'
Silently for me

(Thanks to Simon & Garfunkel)

We had to be out of the cottage at 9am, and after a restless night we were up and the car packed with 5 minutes to spare. The plan was to go to Monks Eleigh to visit Claire's cousins before heading to the A12.

Ready for the Off!

Whilst in Monks Eleigh I took Reggie for a turn around the churchyard.  I saw a sign to say that there were some Commonwealth War Graves in there, St Peters Church.  There were two well tended graves with the traditional white Portland Stone headstones.

Reggie had a snuffle around the long grass and hedges.  We had tea and biscuits and then all too soon we had to leave. Expecting traffic to be awful we left before 1pm.

An aborted stop at the overflowing car park opposite Colchester United's football ground later, we eventually stopped at the "services" at Chelmsford.  Not as I remember them. A huge McDonald's and a poor excuse for a shop at the fuel station.

A couple of chicken sandwiches later and we were off. traffic alternating slow and then fast, then slow.... We arrived home at 4.01pm. Even the queues to the Queen Elizabeth Bridge wasn't too bad.

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