Dover Classic Motorcycle Show
As expected Pepé needed the dbpower booster to fire up in the garage and then at the Museum to come back home it started on its own battery.
Some nice old stuff and also some new bikes that the punters have brought along.
The mint 1972 CB750 was probably my favourite Japanese of the day.
As for the old British it has to be this Vincent. It's quite ugly in reality. Remember this was a premium buy back in the 50's
As for modern! This CCM is odd. Not my cup of tea but looks a great engineering job.
Of course, Pepé was there.
Comedy picture?
And the local R3 Club shared a stand area with the local TOMCC.
There was no one about when I went over and so I took a picture or two.
And then homeward bound.
As a shakedown run it was okay.
Stopped to fill the tank up at Seabrook BP so on Friday I start the run to Le Mans full.