FL19 - Thursday
So what to do. The turmeric seems to have done a job, and allied with no beer, and my foot is much better.
So we decided to have another go at Disney Springs and the balloon.
It was far less windy and was very hot again in the sun. Lathered in Factor 50 we will both go home as pale as we arrived almost a week ago.
This time we chose the Lime Parking! Makes little difference as it happens. First stop a frap in Starbucks.
Inside there was a latina model posing for her photographer. Hardly anyone gave two hoots at all the posing and pouting. To go with the over made-up face and lips she had spectacles and a book. Yep. A real book.
Then to Aerophile. We went up quite quickly and it does move about on the single cable.
There are some good views across this corner of Orlando but mostly if the Disney empire.
Once down we had another boat ride and a leisurely walk back through the shopping streets.
Minnie Claire |
Last time we went it was soon after multiple hurricane strikes across Florida and neighbouring gulf states. So there were a few bikes and it was wet.
Tonight? Have no idea but we gave up as it started to go dark with only 8 bikes.
Maybe the Ace Cafe Orlando having theirs on the same evening has ballsed it up. Seven evenings a week and they chose the sane one?
Then back to the apartment again. Tomorrow is the last full day here in Orlando.