MAG South East Region, AGM

All members in the South East region are cordially invited to attend this important meeting.

It will take place on Sunday 17th February 2019 at Ashurst Village Hall, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3AP and stars at 12 ,Noon, sharp.

Should you wish to vote, stand for office or speak from the floor you should be a current member and produce your membership card on the door.

If you have been a member for 12 months or more you can stand for office provided you have a proposer and seconder who are also bona-fide members.

We are always looking for volunteers , if you wish to get more involved with MAG please speak to your local Branch Rep or one of the South East committee members.

We are only as strong as our members, please come along and get involved.

We have various campaigns on-going within the region including:
  • Motorcycle access to the Lower Thames Crossing
  • Potholes
  • Access to bus lanes


We are putting on our annual rally again at Plumpton on 26-28th July.

If just half our SE members attended , the event would sell-out of tickets and make a huge profit…..

If you don't like camping, why not come along on the Saturday, buy a day ticket and enjoy the bands, bike show and bar.

Support MAG!! Make a difference.

Finally….not all MAG members have please spread the word when you are speaking to fellow bikers and MAG members.

See you all soon, best wishes.

Steve Mallett, SE Rep.


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