MAG Foundation - Amazon Smile

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) Foundation has recently signed up to AmazonSmile, so by making one super-simple change, you continue to get your goods from Amazon and MAG Foundation makes money to help carry on their work every time you buy something – at zero additional cost to you.

MAG Foundation is now listed with AmazonSmile so, if you use Amazon, you can now go to its online store via and nominate MAG Foundation as your selected charity.

The price you pay for goods is exactly the same - it doesn't cost you a single penny more – but with the added benefit that MAG Foundation gains from every purchase you make.  Then, all you have to do is go through for all future purchases so that MAG Foundation continues to receive valuable funding to help continue its important activities, including the 'Lock2Lock' anti-theft campaign, 'Think Bike' (with the famous car window stickers available to buy), the 'Kill Spills' anti-diesel spills campaign and secure bike parking.

So if you care about your right to ride, you can help every time you buy something from Amazon. You can do this whether you are a MAG member or not although, of course, we'd love you to join if you have not already done so, to help MAG fight for your riders' rights.

Please sign up for the AmazonSmile service and help raise money for the Foundation and their good work for free!


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