Insurance & Breakdown Cover


My insurance renewed automatically today and I have the certificate printed ready to be stashed away in my little folder ready for the weekend. It must be a sign of being old, or at least 62yo, as I have never had a renewal come in cheaper than the year before.

Insurance always goes up despite your careful driving/riding habits. No convictions and no accidents.  

When I was testing the comparison sites I did one set of quotes where I mentioned the accident I had in 2015 when the van driver ran into my car, and another set of quotes not mentioning it.  Incredibly it made very little difference.  Although not at fault there was a claim.  When I got the car back I had to pay the excess to the repairers and then a few months later I got a cheque from the insurance that covered it.  No loss financially at the time.

Breakdown Cover

In the past as we went abroad very often it was cheaper to have full cover for both home and in Europe.  The club that I don't mention its name (CTIDMIN) was an agent for the RAC.  This meant that restrictions on the age of vehicles was waived, it is generally 15 years old, and the discounts were pretty massive.  Once that ended (agency not membership of CTIDMIN) and the market price was payable, allied with not going away so often, I dropped back to having single journey cover.

I have added it up over the last twelve months to end May and the savings have been around £50 plus change for the year.  Or two or more tanks of fuel for Pepé.

So this weekend. A four day trip to the Netherlands for the Dutch TT at Assen I did the RAC again. Another £19.98 for the extra cover for Pepé to cover breakdown and recovery back to UK.  That's the most important bit for me, getting it home in case of a breakdown or accident.


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