Spada Pilgrim Grande WP Boots
My Christmas present to myself. It's easier this way.
Claire asks me what I want and I can never think of anything. I usually spend weeks and even months researching products until I finally make a purchase, or miss a deal for waiting too long.
I need a pair or new bike boots. My existing pair are very old. They are still waterproof but once you have to superglue the rubber/plastic gear change guards back on, then their time is getting closer to the day when they go in the refuse/garbage bin. That date was probably sometime in 2016.
I wanted a pair of shorter boots to wear with jeans that once off the bike wouldn't be out of place. Boots I can walk in.
And here they are. Spada Pilgrim Grande WP Boots. Usually priced at around £130 or equivalent at UK and European stockists. But one shop had 20% off and free postage. Mind made up and here they are.
I'll write a review once I have been out and about with them....