BE17 - Passchendaele 100 - Travel Arrangements

We have the dog booked into his favourite kennels for the duration of this weekend away. He goes in there late afternoon on Saturday. We have a dog-free evening.

I had thought of going over then but finding a hotel or even a youth hostel in Belgium is like finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unless you have that gold of course. So back to Plan A.

Plan A had alwaya been to cross over on Sunday morning and head generally towards Ypres.  There's a few places I'd like to see again plus some new (to me) sites.

Then see what parking is like in Ypres. There's a special ceremony in the Market by the Cloth Hall. It may be that as Plan A dictates that we go to Vlamertinge to the B&B and back out by taxi, we stick to it.

Monday morning we have to be in Zonnebeke to park and see the museum and displays there. We have been before a few years ago.

It was pre-Meldrews so must have been the other club we don't mention. On that visit we had to park in the entrance way and go in on foot.  There was the somewhat odd spectacle of a pipe band competition and Highland games taking place.

Coming back home after the Tyne Cot Ceremony, it starts at 13:00, is difficult to plan for. By the time it is over and we are bussed back to the car parking and get away who knows what time it will be? 

We'll need a train home some two to three hours after that. So maybe something like 8pm.  That allows the two hour travel window that Eurotunnel allow at no extra charge.  It will be a Monday evening so hopefully light traffic crossing back to UK and through the notoriously slow passport and customs controls.

So. Plan A it is.


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